Ebony Rivon Honored by Lawyers of Color and by the Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program
Gray Reed & McGraw attorney Ebony Rivon was selected to Lawyers of Color’s 2013 Hot List, which recognizes junior- and mid-level attorneys excelling in the legal profession. In addition, the Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program honored Rivon as Volunteer of the Month.
Rivon concentrates her practice on family law and general commercial and business litigation, representing both plaintiffs and defendants in state and federal courts. She is a graduate of Georgetown University Law Center where she was a Dean's Grant recipient and on Barristers' Council, competing on the Alternative Dispute Resolution Team. Rivon interned for the Honorable Carol Ann Dalton, Superior Court of D.C. Family Court.
Originally founded as On Being A Black Lawyer, Lawyers of Color now also produces publications for lawyers of South Asian American, Pacific Asian American, Hispanic, and Native American heritage. LOC has been recognized by the American Bar Association, National Black Law Students Association, and National Association of Black Journalists. Lawyers of Color provides research, career development, and brand marketing opportunities to our clients. With a core readership of 35,000, nearly 200,000 unique blog visitors, and nearly 4,000 followers and fans, Lawyers of Color has the largest social media presence of any minority legal organization. A reception was held on May 23 in honor of the Southwest Region honorees and each honoree will be profiled in the Hot List Special Issue (July 2013).
The Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program is an organization dedicated to increasing and enhancing pro bono legal services to the poor in Dallas through the recruitment, training, and support of volunteer attorneys. Rivon currently serves as one of the Pro Bono Coordinators for Gray Reed and, as such, represents the firm at local Pro Bono Coordinators meetings. She also serves as a member of the Dallas Bar Association Family Law Section Pro Bono Committee. Rivon volunteers at the South Dallas Legal Clinic and has taken several pro bono cases from DVAP in the areas of divorces, expunctions, name changes, and child support. She presented a legislative update on family law issues at a DVAP CLE training last year and has also received valuable training by attending various CLE’s offered by DVAP.
About Gray Reed & McGraw
Founded in 1985, Gray Reed & McGraw is a full-service, Texas based law firm with more than 120 lawyers practicing in Dallas, Houston and Tyler. Gray Reed & McGraw offers a wide range of legal services including business litigation, corporate transactions, oil & gas, tax planning and litigation, real estate, healthcare, trusts and estates, employment law, family law, intellectual property, and bankruptcy. For more information, visit www.grayreed.com.