Eminent Domain & Condemnation

We represent clients at all stages of condemnation proceedings including pre-condemnation planning, assisting landowners with strategy and negotiations after an initial notice of a taking is received, Special Commissioners’ hearings, mediations, trials (whether bench or jury) and appeals. We have represented clients including landowners and companies of all sizes in eminent domain proceedings involving utilities, pipelines, parks and roadway takings in both urban and rural areas across the state. Our attorneys are skilled trial lawyers who work with land use professionals including real estate appraisers, engineers, land planners and real estate brokers to advocate for maximizing the property owner’s just compensation for the taking of their property. Additionally, we represent entities possessing the power of eminent domain, such as utility and pipeline companies.

Our specific experience includes:

  • Representing both condemnors and condemnees, including corporations such as Verizon and Sherwin-Williams, in proceedings involving both urban and rural properties.
  • During his service as a Justice on the Texas Fifth District Court of Appeals, Gray Reed attorney Jim Moseley decided and wrote the court’s opinions in a number of eminent domain cases.  Prior to his service on the Court, Moseley had experience representing condemning authorities (Texas Turnpike Authority) and landowners (versus TxDOT, Dallas County, DART) in condemnation matters. 

When a client's needs require, or when negotiations between condemnors and condemnees demand transactional, governmental or real estate expertise, our clients also have the advantage of a full-service firm allowing them access to real estate transactional attorneys, appellate attorneys and legislative/government counsel.

Why Clients Feel at Home at Gray Reed

Your experience with our condemnation attorneys will be fully aligned with your goals and objectives and tailored specifically to how you want to do business with us. Our lawyers are adaptable and nimble – you will never be forced into a box that doesn’t fit your opportunity or problem, or your needs and desires. Whether we are your longtime advisor or representing you in a hearing, you’ll be comfortable with our skill and practical approach. We know exactly when to turn up the heat and when collaboration is the smartest way for you to achieve your goals.

Thought Leadership / News
October 8, 2024 
 Speeches and Presentations
Deep in the Heart of the Texas Business Courts: What Attorneys Need to Know


 Thought Leadership
Eminent Domain & the Constitution

CLE International

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