Employee Handbooks

Gray Reed's Employer Handbook
October 30, 2014

Fall is in the air (such that it is in North Texas) and, apparently it is time for everyone to review their employee handbook as I have received a rash of requests to review and revise handbooks lately.  So, it seemed like an appropriate time to take a slight departure from our usual format to give some pointers on employee handbooks. 

As a preview – DON’T TAKE A HANDBOOK FROM THE INTERNET!!  It may be written for a state with laws more favorable to employees like California, Colorado, Massachusetts or New York.  It almost certainly will not reflect the way you do business, and it may get you in trouble.

Take a look at this month’s edition to learn more tips and tricks.       

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Michael Blachly
Chief Marketing Officer
Phone: 214.954.4135

Madison Longust
Marketing Communications Manager
Phone: 214.954.4135







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