Smoking Discrimination

Gray Reed's Employer Handbook
January 25, 2013

Whether you are a smoker or a business owner that hates smoking, you should know the rules about smoking at work.  Seriously?  Is smoking another “protected class” like race, sex, national origin, etc, that is protected from discrimination?  Not exactly. 

There are some rules, however, that apply to smoking in the work place.  If you are a committed anti-smoking business owner, there are better ways to stop the smokers than banning it for health reasons and sending all your smokers to rehab.  If you are a pro-smoking business owner, you also have to be careful about the affect of smoking on others in the workplace.  You can’t just shrug off that demand for smoke-free air from your employee with all the allergies.

Take a look at this month’s edition to clear the air . . . so to speak.

To download this month's edition of the Employer Handbook, click here

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Media Contacts

Michael Blachly
Chief Marketing Officer
Phone: 214.954.4135

Madison Longust
Marketing Communications Manager
Phone: 214.954.4135







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