(Dallas/Houston) Gray Reed & McGraw is pleased to announce three attorneys passed the highly difficult and prestigious Texas Bar Legal Specialization exams and are now board certified. Board certification exams test an attorney's knowledge, skills and overall grasp of the subject matter in their particular specialty area.
With this latest class of attorneys who were just board certified, Gray Reed now has 22 attorneys board certified in a number of areas including Oil & Gas, Health Law, Family Law, Tax Law, Commercial Real Estate Law, Estate Planning and Probate Law, Civil Trial Law, and Business Bankruptcy Law. In addition, Gray Reed has the most attorneys in Texas that are licensed in Health Law and tied for second in the number of attorneys licensed in Tax Law.
The Gray Reed attorneys passing the Legal Specialization Exam are:
Travis Booher - Oil, Gas and Mineral Law
Clint Brown – Family Law
Jenny Givens – Health Law
“We are proud of them, and grateful for the time and effort they have committed to improve the already excellent services the firm offers to our clients,” Gray Reed & McGraw President Cary Gray said.
Travis Booher maintains a diverse energy practice advising exploration and development companies with their upstream operations across Texas. He counsels oil and gas companies of all sizes on a variety of matters, including transactional, title and litigation issues.
Clint Brown focuses his practice on family law litigation (divorce, child custody disputes, and modification suits); collaborative law; amicus and ad litem appointments (representation of children); paternity suits; grandparent access suits; premarital and marital agreements; agreements for same-sex cohabitation; contractual agreements for surrogate parenting arrangements; and the adoption of children.
Jenny Givens advises a wide-range of providers regarding healthcare operational, regulatory and corporate transactional matters. Her background in hospital administration provides her with a unique insight into the challenges facing healthcare providers.
Founded in 1985, Gray Reed & McGraw is a full-service, Texas based law firm with more than 120 lawyers practicing in Dallas, Houston and Tyler. The firm offers a wide range of legal services including business litigation, corporate transactions, oil & gas, tax planning and litigation, real estate, healthcare, trusts and estates, employment law, family law, intellectual property, and bankruptcy. For more information, visit http://www.grayreed.com