Gray Reed & McGraw Bankruptcy attorney, Joe Acosta, spoke with KTRH Houston radio about the supposed lessons learned and issues that persist years after the collapse of Enron.
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Every year, October marks another anniversary of when the Enron scandal became public knowledge, and the demise that resulted from that scandal not only gave America what was then its largest corporate failure, but also threatened to rock the world's securities markets beyond the point of recovery. Enron used methods of financial accounting that allowed it to keep enormous liabilities off its books. When it was discovered that these methods were also being used by many other American multinationals, it seemed that the markets were no longer able to trust a company's financial reports.
Joe Acosta has a broad base of bankruptcy, corporate restructuring, work-out and commercial litigation experience. As a former member of the corporate restructuring group of Jones Day, he was substantially involved in some of the largest chapter 11 bankruptcy cases in the United States. He has taken leading roles in representing debtors-in-possession, creditors' committees, trustees, examiners, putative debtors, lenders, landlords, lessees, commercial creditors, asset purchasers, professionals and other interested parties in all types of insolvency proceedings, including involuntary bankruptcy proceedings and appeals. Joe further has extensive experience with creditor's rights and commercial litigation matters, having served as Texas bankruptcy counsel for various retailers and financing companies and having represented all types of commercial litigants in contractual disputes in and out of bankruptcy.
About Gray Reed & McGraw
Founded in 1985, Gray Reed & McGraw is a full-service, Texas based law firm with more than 100 lawyers practicing in Houston, Dallas and Tyler. Gray Reed & McGraw offers a wide range of legal services including business litigation, corporate transactions, oil & gas, tax planning and litigation, real estate, healthcare, trusts and estates, employment law, family law, and bankruptcy. For more information, visit